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DRYANDRA fraseri |

BANKSIA fraseri syn. Dryandra fraseri 20 seed

SKU: B 25-20s
Stock: Out Of Stock

Family: Proteaceae
Characteristics: Semi-prostrate to ercet shrub 0.2-6 metre

Seed per packet: 5
Sold by seed count

$64.00 AUD Excl. GST

Variable-sized shrub 0.2-6 metre but typically around 1 metre with stiff divided leaves and dome-shaped golden-yellow or sometimes creamy pink flowers that occur from April to September. 

Cultivated by enthusiasts for many years and has proven itself to be one of the hardier species in the genus.

Occurs naturally in Western Australia in the regions of the Avon Wheatbelt, Esperance Plains, Geraldton Sandplains, Jarrah Forest, Mallee, Swan Coastal Plain, and Yalgoo.

Note: Formally known as Dryandra fraseri.
Dryandra was considered a separate genus until early 2007, when it was merged into Banksia.

Prefers light to medium well-drained soil in an open sunny position, drought and frost-resistant.

Grow notes:

Although seed can be sown most of the year in many parts of Australia seed is generally best sown in spring or autumn in temperate climates, avoid the coldest and hottest months of the year. The optimum germination temperature for germination is around 18-22°C

  1. The growing medium should be well draining but should remain damp between watering.
  2. Sow the seed the depth on the seed size. Vermiculite is a good medium to use to cover the surface as it helps retain moisture and controls the temperature. 
  3. Keep moist but not too wet as the seed may rot. Do not let the growing mix completely dry out. 
  4. Germination should occur in 21-60 days depending on the temperature and conditions. 

Pre-treatment of smoke: Not considered critical to germination of this species and germination will generally occur without it.
However many members of the Proteaceae family are responsive to the pre-treatment of smoke. Although germination will often occur without smoke treatment it has proved to be beneficial in reducing the number of days to germination and increasing germination rates in many species of the Proteaceae family.
Smoke treatments are simple and can be undertaken either by soaking the seed overnight or by applying it to the surface after sowing, both provide good results. Smoke treatments are available by clicking here.

General note: Seeds of many natives are dormant and require specific conditions or pre-treatment for germination.
Do not be too hasty to discard seed that does not germinate, seeds will often lay dormant until the conditions are similar to their natural requirements for germination to occur. Containers put to one side will often surprise long after they were discarded.

The best time to sow Banksia seeds is autumn or spring. Sow in contains and transplant when they are big enough to handle.
The growing medium should be well draining but should remain damp between watering. Banksia dislikes wet roots, so don't overwater them, or they will rot.
Sow the seed flat around 5mm deep. Vermiculite is an excellent medium to cover the surface as it helps retain moisture and controls the temperature.  
Germination should occur in 14-40 days at 20-25°C

Pre-germination of seeds by sowing into a closed container containing moist vermiculite or similar material is also helpful for germinating seeds, particularly for winter sowing when outdoor temperatures may be unsuitable. Germination usually occurs in 1-2 weeks using this method, and when the root has reached about a centimetre or so in length, the seedling can be placed into a small pot of seed-raising mix.

Pre-treatment of smoke is not critical to the germination of this species. However, many members of the Proteaceae family are responsive to the pre-treatment of smoke.
Smoke treatments are simple and can be undertaken by soaking the seed overnight or applying it to the surface after sowing; both provide good results.  Smoke treatments are available by clicking here.

*Please note:

  • Please do not be too hasty to discard seeds that do not germinate; seeds will often lay dormant until the conditions are similar to their natural germination requirements.
  • As with all seeds, they must have adequate water to germinate, keep them moist but not too wet.
  • These growth notes are provided as guidance only and do not guarantee successful germination.
  • The customer should do their due diligence that they are suited to their region.

As a registered Export Establishment, we can provide a full export service, from obtaining a Phytosanitary certificate (if required) to delivering your parcel to the transport company of your choice. If you are uncertain about the requirements for importing seeds into your country, please contact us.

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