We are a Tasmanian-approved supplier and we ship seeds all across Australia.
Our current handling/postage time is 4-6 business days.
Heirloom 'Witloof' chicory originated in Belgium in the mid-1800s produces small creamy whiteheads around 15cm long with a mild nutty flavour.
Use in salads, stir-fried, grilled, baked, and sautéed.
Witloof is Flemish for "white leaf."
Grow notes:
Prefers moist fertile well-drained soil but grows well in almost any garden soil in a sunny position.
Tropical: All Seasons
Temperate: Early Spring to Late Summer
Cool: Spring & Autumn
Sow: 6mm deep
Sow direct or grow in trays.
Plant space: 20cm
Row Space: 30cm
Germination: 5-7 days
Maturity: 10 weeks