MYRICA rubra

Chinese Strawberry Tree

SKU: ES 31
Stock: Out Of Stock

Other common names: Yangmei, Yamamomo, Chinese bayberry, Japanese Bayberry, Red Bayberry, Yumberry & Waxberry

Family: Myricaceae

Characteristics: Large evergreen shrub or small tree to 15 metres

Seeds per packets: 6

$4.25 AUD Excl. GST

A tree grown for its sweet, crimson to dark purple-red, edible fruit that in native to eastern Asia, mainly in south-central China where it has been grown for at least 2000 years.

The 2 cm diameter fruit are round with a knobby surface that varies in colour from red to purple, the pulp is similar in colour with a sweet, tart flavour. It is well known as a rich source of tannins.
The fruit can be used in bottled pasteurised juice or juice blends, wine, jams and preserves or dried.

Other parts of the plant including the seeds, leaves and roots are used in Chinese medicinal as herbal astringent, antidote, and anti-diarrhoea treatment. The bark is often used as a yellow dye.

Adaptable to most soil types including light sandy soil, loamy and clay soils although it preforms best in a well-drained soil. Full sun or semi-shade position.

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