ABIES concolor

White Fir

SKU: N 1557
Stock: Out Of Stock

Family: Pinaceae

Characteristics: Large tree to 25-60 metre

Seeds per packets: Approx 10

$11.00 AUD Excl. GST

A large evergreen conifer that forms a dense pyramidical shape when young maturing into an exceedingly well-formed symmetrical shape as it matures.

The branches form in an attractive layered pattern with soft bluish needle like foliage that is considered the bluest of all the conifers.
Attractive pale green upright cones that have a deep purplish cast are an additional attraction to this spectacular tree.

Makes a stunning ornamental landscaping tree and also a popular Christmas tree. Tolerant of hot dry conditions, suited to cool and temperate climates.
A popular as an ornamental landscaping tree and as a Christmas tree.

Native to the mountains of western North America from the southern Cascade range in Oregon, south throughout California and southern Rocky Mountains New Mexico and northern Mexico. Occurs naturally at an elevation between 900–3,400 m

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