Threatened Australian Plants
41 products
ACACIA prominens
Golden Rain Wattle or Gosford Wattle
Conservation status in NSW: Endangered Population
ACACIA pubifolia
Wyberba Wattle or Velvet Wattle
Conservation status NSW: Endangered
Commonwealth status: Vulnerable
EUCALYPTUS brockwayi
Dundas Mahogany
WA Conservation Code: Priority Three
Poorly-known species - known from several locations
EUCALYPTUS caesia ssp magna - Pure Seed
Pure Seed
Silver Princess (weeping form)
Priority species. Rare in the Wild
Boyagin Mallee or Whipstick Mallee
WA Conservation Code: Priority Four
Rare, Near Threatened.
EUCALYPTUS macrocarpa ssp. elachantha
Small Leaved Mottlecah
Conservation code: Priority Four: Rare, Near Threatened
EUCALYPTUS megacornuta
Warted Yate
Listed as Endangered - Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
EUCALYPTUS pimpiniana
Pimpin Mallee or Red Dune Mallee
Conservation code Priority 3: Poorly-known species
KENNEDIA lateritia - Red flowers
Threatened flora
syn. KENNEDIA macrophylla
Cape Leeuwin Climber or Augusta Kennedia