As a Tasmanian-approved supplier and a registered Export establishment, we ship internationally and Australia-wide. Inspections and Phytosanitary Certificates are available for international orders.
Our current handling/postage time is 3-5 business days.
An improved Germinator is a dry granulated form of smoked vermiculite, specifically designed to release smoke compounds once water is applied.
The benefits include:
With the same density and consistency as commercial vermiculite and is suitable for hand or mechanical spreading applications to seed or tube stock trays.
For best results, sowing and smoking should be carried out when germination is most likely to occur.
Once water is applied, the smoke is released onto the growing medium, depositing the required level of smoke compounds onto the surface to be drawn down onto the seed-growing mix.
Spreading rate: 120g to 1 sqm
International Buyers:
No Phytosanitary certificate required if you are not purchasing seed.
Contact us if you wish to purchase this item without a certificate.
Genera responsive to smoke:
Acacia | Codonocarpus | Hybanthus | Pityrodia |
Acanthocarpus | Comesperma | Hydrocotyle | Platysace |
Acrotriche | Conospermum | Hypocalymma | Pomaderris |
Actinostrobus | Conostephium | Isopogon | Poranthera |
Actinotus | Conostylis | Isotoma | Protea |
Adenanthos | Crassula | Johnsonia | Ptilotus |
Agonis | Cryptandra | Kennedia | Ricinocarpus |
Agrostocrinum | Cyathochaeta | Lachnostachys | Rulingia |
Allocasuarina | Dampiera | Lasiopetalum | Scaevola |
Alyxia | Desmocladus | Laxmannia | Siegfriedia |
Amphipogon | Dianella | Lechenaultia | Sollya |
Andersonia | Diplolaena | Leptomeria | Sowerbaea |
Anigozanthos | Drosera | Leptospermum | Sphenotoma |
Arthropodium | Epacris | Leucopogon | Spyridium |
Astartea | Eriostemon | Leucospermum | Stackhousia |
Astroloma | Eucalyptus | Levenhookia | Stipa |
Baeckea | Exocarpus | Lobeliaa | Stirlingia |
Banksia | Gahnia | Lomandra | Stylidium |
Billardiera | Geleznowia | Loxocarya | Tersonia |
Blancoa | Georgiella | Lysinema | Tetraria |
Boronia | Gompholobium | Macropidia | Tetrarrhena |
Bossiaea | Gonocarpus | Melaleuca | Tetratheca |
Brunonia | Grevillea | Mitrasacme | Thysanotus |
Burchardia | Gyrostemon | Myriocephalus | Trachymene |
Bursaria | Haemodorum | Neurachne | Trichocline |
Caesia | Hakea | Opercularia | Tripterococcus |
Callitris | Hemigenia | Orthrosanthus | Trymalium |
Calytrix | Hemiphora | Patersonia | Velleia |
Chamaescilla | Hibbertia | Persoonia | Verticordia |
Chieranthera | Hovea | Petrophile | Waitzia |
Clematis | Hyalosperma | Phyllanthus | Xanthorrhoea |
: |
: |
Pimelea | Xanthosia |
Being a registered Export Establishment, we can provide a full export service from obtaining a Phytosanitary certificate (if required) to delivering your parcel to the transport company of your choice. If you are uncertain about the requirements for importing seeds into your country, do not hesitate to contact our Export Manager at Australian Seed.
It is important to note that the buyer is responsible for clearing the goods through customs and paying all associated charges, including import fees and taxes. Please note that we cannot accept returns due to Australian quarantine restrictions.
You can find the complete International terms and conditions by clicking on this link
At Australian Seed, we take pride in our extensive network of trusted suppliers and collectors who work with us to provide you with an unmatched selection of top-quality products.
Whether you are searching for a specific item or need to make a bulk purchase, our team is here to help. Our dedicated customer service representatives can guide you through our vast inventory and assist you in finding exactly what you need.
We are committed to providing our customers with the highest level of service and support.
Please don't hesitate to contact us at Australian Seed