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Smoke Infused Paper |

SEED STARTER - Smoke Infused Paper

SKU: S 2
Stock: In Stock
$4.95 AUD Excl. GST
Pre-treatment simulates the chemicals of smoke after a bush fire. Seeds of many native and exotic species are dormant and require pre-treatment of smoke to germinate.
When soaked in water the solution contains natural chemicals found in smoke that have been found to break the dormancy and stimulate germination in many Australian plants.
The degree of stimulation varies by species but on average will increase the number of seedlings by at least two when compared to untreated seed.
Place the paper disc in a container (e.g. cup or small bowl) and add 50ml of water to the container to wash the smoke chemical from the paper disc. Each disc will treat approx. 100 large seeds when soaked in 50ml of water.

Keep the unused paper disc in a sealed packet and store it in the bottom of the refrigerator at 4°C (40°F) until used.
Stored in the refrigerator they will retain the active smoke chemical for 2 years.

Genera responsive to smoke

Acacia Codonocarpus Hybanthus Pityrodia
Acanthocarpus Comesperma Hydrocotyle Platysace
Acrotriche Conospermum Hypocalymma Pomaderris
Actinostrobus Conostephium Isopogon Poranthera
Actinotus Conostylis Isotoma Protea
Adenanthos Crassula Johnsonia Ptilotus
Agonis Cryptandra Kennedia Ricinocarpus
Agrostocrinum Cyathochaeta Lachnostachys Rulingia
Allocasuarina Dampiera Lasiopetalum Scaevola
Alyxia Desmocladus Laxmannia Siegfriedia
Amphipogon Dianella Lechenaultia Sollya
Andersonia Diplolaena Leptomeria Sowerbaea
Anigozanthos Drosera Leptospermum Sphenotoma
Arthropodium Epacris Leucopogon Spyridium
Astartea Eriostemon Leucospermum Stackhousia
Astroloma Eucalyptus Levenhookia Stipa
Baeckea Exocarpus Lobeliaa Stirlingia
Banksia Gahnia Lomandra Stylidium
Billardiera Geleznowia Loxocarya Tersonia
Blancoa Georgiella Lysinema Tetraria
Boronia Gompholobium Macropidia Tetrarrhena
Bossiaea Gonocarpus Melaleuca Tetratheca
Brunonia Grevillea Mitrasacme Thysanotus
Burchardia Gyrostemon Myriocephalus Trachymene
Bursaria Haemodorum Neurachne Trichocline
Caesia Hakea Opercularia Tripterococcus
Callitris Hemigenia Orthrosanthus Trymalium
Calytrix Hemiphora Patersonia Velleia
Chamaescilla Hibbertia Persoonia Verticordia
Chieranthera Hovea Petrophile Waitzia
Clematis Hyalosperma Phyllanthus Xanthorrhoea
: : Pimelea Xanthosia

International Buyers:

This item does not require a Phytosanitary certificate if you are not purchasing seed.
Contact us if you wish to purchase this item without a certificate.

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Being a registered Export Establishment, we can provide a full export service from obtaining a Phytosanitary certificate (if required) to delivering your parcel to the transport company of your choice. If you are uncertain about the requirements for importing seeds into your country, do not hesitate to contact our Export Manager at Australian Seed.

It is important to note that the buyer is responsible for clearing the goods through customs and paying all associated charges, including import fees and taxes. Please note that we cannot accept returns due to Australian quarantine restrictions.
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